Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Photoshop vs Illustrator

Photoshop vs Illustrator.

Adobe package is one of the most awesome complete graphic packages on the planet:)
The Illustrator and Photoshop are usually most often used and most popular
programs from Adobe house:)

And here comes the question that bothers many new designers taking their first steps into these programs.

What is the difference between Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator?

Well before we answer this question, let's have a look at one important fact.
Many designers tend to use PHOTOSHOP for almost everything. This is a program that has capability to actually create every single form of 2 dimensional graphic.

That's why many designers love Photoshop so much that they use it for everything, beginning from photo-retouch to web design, illustration, logotypes and anything else you can imagine.
They are so much in love with Photoshop that they forget about his little brother Illustrator who is much greater and helpful in some particular graphic areas.

So when you are about to choose which of those to pick for creating the project, bear in mind that Photoshop works mainly with pixels, which means that layers when resized loose their quality.

Illutrator works with vectors that allow you to resize vectorized layers freely without loosing quality.
What it means is that Illustrator can make from little tiny low quality picture a nice vectorized large size project.

Also Illustrator is better for creating logotypes and vector drawings commonly used for clothing, poster or flyers printing in thanks to text manipulations and preset styles and vector effects number which is greater than in Photoshop.
In addition the fact that layered objects can be resized without loosing quality allows you further and safer modifications of the project.

On the other hand Photoshop has better capability to blend colors together in order to make projects look more realistic.

To make long story short Photoshop is better for:

-photo retouch
-photo manipulation
-digital paintings
-photorealistic illustrations
-web design
-poster designs involving photo manipulation
-special effects
-projects not requiring size's increase in the future.

Illustrator is better for:

-logo design
-cartoon illustrations
-resizable vector drawings
-vector tracing
-resizable images of objects
-clothing design
-transforming low quality bitmap pictures into
high quality and large vector images.
-working with text

This is my opinion that comes out of my own experience. If you feel different way, feel free:)
Anyway knowing both of these programs is a great benefit that will allow you to create any kind of graphic without struggle.
Monday, April 26, 2010

Graphic Designer for Hire

There are loads of graphic designers specializing in various computer graphic areas.
Many of them are associated with large design companies, while others prefer to work freelance for various clients.
Usually designers are wide open for new challenges when it comes to create good looking arts and designs.

So when should you start looking for graphic designer for hire?
Well you might be a person who needs some little nice looking project which you want to be unique and different than anything else around. Maybe you are a person who is busy running a business not having time to manage visual side of it by yourself and needs for instance advanced design of website or advertising material.
No matter which of the above persons you are, you definitely should hire graphic designer.

By letting him do the work for you, you make sure that the project will be professional and you will save a lot of time which you can spend on other activities.

When it comes to hire artist or graphic designer, you should look for one who represents particular skills in the computer graphic category which your expected design falls into.

The easiest way to do it is to browse portfolios of different artists in order to compare their work and style with your own expectations. Then select a few ones in order to further narrow results to only one designer whose portfolio suits you best.

The pricing might be different. While one designer will charge per project another one will set the rate per hour. Both pricing methods are good as amount of time and effort that designer puts into project should be much respected. Professional graphic design isn't an area where you should battle for big price downcuts if you are looking for quality.

Respect all the above, appreciate the talent and hard work of designer and you will find the one who will beauty up your business.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Digital Arts

When it comes to arts I never stop doing them. Whether I do commission work or just personal piece I try to put as much creativity and exspression to i it as I can.
In result my gallery gets updated frequently with new digital arts and designs.
This is the crucial factor for every single graphic designer. If you are good, remember that you can be even better by improving design skills you've not mastered yet.
I'm still working out the way to freely move between various graphic design styles. The learning process never ends and new skills to gain are out there:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Freelance Graphic Design

Nowadays there is as many graphic design jobs available online as amount of designers seeking for them.

In result the computer graphic market is quite competitive, that why as a good freelance graphic designer you need to be the one who stands out of the crowd to get noticed.

Some artists specialize in particular categories of digital arts. While the one is much into commercial design such as: advertising spots or web design the other one is more creative in illustration.

It's hard to be multi talented in all aspects of digital arts, that's why choosing speciality and working towards it is what it's all about.
If you want to be a good designer who receive a lot of commission work, improve your skills in particular CG area. Once you master it you can always try to learn something new if you have some extra time.
However while browsing portfolios it's not hard to notice that usually different artists represent
their own particular style worked out and mastered through the years and that makes their work outstanding and unique in front of the other designers.

So the point is that the artist who tries to be good at every possible computer graphic area usually ends up on being average on it as it's hard to spread the skills and time doing quality projects from "different shelf" at the same time.
Unless the one is that talented:)

Creating the own style in particular CG area you mostly enjoy and improving your skills in it will bring you customers hungry for your projects and make your work noticable as there is high demand on every single kind of digital arts.